Returning home from a day of cutting firewood on tuesday, I saw a coyote
cross the road in front of me. When I got to where he had crossed, I saw that he
was just past some juniper trees, and close to the road still. I grabbed my
trusty old 30-06, and got out to try a shot. I missed my 1st shot, but the
coyote still wasn't very wild, so I waited, and when he came into view again, at
about 100 yards, I shot. This time he went down in a pile. I decided that it
might be worth it to skin him, so I put the rifle away, looked at my 22 pistol,
and thought, I don't need to pack that up the hill. I walked to where I thought
he was, and didn't see him, so I just figured that I walked to the wrong rock
pile. I started walking back down the hill looking around for him, and saw him
piled up behind a sagebrush. As soon as I saw him, I said outloud to myself, I
wonder if he will be worth skinning? As soon as I said that, he raised his head,
looked at me, and took off running! Not knowing what else to do, I picked up a
softball sized rock, and threw it. beaned him right in the head and knocked him
down. A couple more well placed rocks, and I took him home and skinned him.
cross the road in front of me. When I got to where he had crossed, I saw that he
was just past some juniper trees, and close to the road still. I grabbed my
trusty old 30-06, and got out to try a shot. I missed my 1st shot, but the
coyote still wasn't very wild, so I waited, and when he came into view again, at
about 100 yards, I shot. This time he went down in a pile. I decided that it
might be worth it to skin him, so I put the rifle away, looked at my 22 pistol,
and thought, I don't need to pack that up the hill. I walked to where I thought
he was, and didn't see him, so I just figured that I walked to the wrong rock
pile. I started walking back down the hill looking around for him, and saw him
piled up behind a sagebrush. As soon as I saw him, I said outloud to myself, I
wonder if he will be worth skinning? As soon as I said that, he raised his head,
looked at me, and took off running! Not knowing what else to do, I picked up a
softball sized rock, and threw it. beaned him right in the head and knocked him
down. A couple more well placed rocks, and I took him home and skinned him.